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We are fortunate to be living in a thriving community with many active organizations to support the people of this area.  We encourage you to discover your passions and get involved in some of these organization.
Collegeville Rotary: District events; Rotary Foundation; supporting local, and international projects; Annual Halloween parade; Strike-Out Hunger at the Phillies; Rotary carnival; volunteer opportunities; travel to larger Rotary events; guest speakers; opportunities to serve the community, and beyond; community supporters
Keystone Grange #2: revive and support the Annual Keystone Grange #2 Fair; improve membership; learn about farming; join, watch ritual ceremonies; volunteerism; summer picnic; members only Christmas party; meets third Wednesday monthly; Farm to City dinner at St. Luke's Church; historical building needs some repairs and upgrades

PV Chamber of Commerce: mixers; promotions; business openings; PV Stars; business to business; 60th anniversary in 2017; golf outings; monthly meetings, and more; networking; advertising opportunities

Community Club of Collegeville: HOBY project; art students school project; community service; card party; bridge group; luncheons; fashion show; night meetings second Tuesday of the month with guest speakers at Augustus Lutheran Church, and programs September through May; volunteerism

Trappe Historical Society: tours of Henry Muhlenberg house; gift shop; docent opportunities; Knitting on the Lawn; small garden on property; improve membership; community service; Trappe 300th; candlelight tours; "Revolution at Home" tour through the end of December 2017

The Speaker's House: Raise the Roof at Barn on Bridge; garden and house tours; Oktoberfest with CEDC; docent opportunities; Dinner on Main; excavation of historical artifacts opportunities; improve membership; community service; observe masons at work; learn about its authentic German garden; Trappe 300th with souvenir sales plus Trappe-Collegeville Photo Book by Lisa Minardi; tombstone cleaning workshops; Historical House Tour; Trappe Tavern Night fund raiser, and more
Warren Lodge #310 Free and Accepted Masons: Veterans Memorial; community service; invitation only group; picnic; 104 years old; charities' Collegeville Car Show information table; "On Your Marc" 5K Walk/Run; hoagie sale before Super Bowl to benefit Good Samaritan Shelter; over 150 years of service to the community; meetings are held on or before the full moon at 7:00 pm, and are generally preceded by a dinner served at 6:00 and followed by fellowship and refreshments.
Dewees Tavern: local history storeroom; community service; Trappe 300th; volunteer opportunities
Ursinus College: freshmen gift bags project with CEDC; Homecoming; Alumni Weekend; family weekend; sports; Berman Museum openings; Dinner and a Show; graduation; special guest speakers; special events; Fraternity and Sorority projects; Messiah concert; Bomberger Hall organ concerts; theater group performances; organic garden; UCare; U-Imagine
Community Music School (CMS): free monthly "Bach's Lunch" noon concerts Thursdays; community event hosts; CMS fund raiser silent auction; past CMS gala with big band; musicians/teachers for hire; small children lessons; rotating artists in art gallery; "A Little Night Music weekend concerts
Collegeville Economic Development Corporation: Farmer & the Chef, Memorial Day parade; Rubber Ducky Regatta; free Movies in the Park; Freshmen Gift Bags project with UC; Colossal Yard Sale; revive Tree decorating, and lighting ceremony; 5K Jingle Jog; Holiday House Tours; residential, and business Holiday Decorating Contests; revive banners on Main Street project; community service; volunteerism; Mural Arts project; supports community events, and new businesses on Main Street; former member of now-defunct Main Street program; bi-weekly CEDC newsletter; custom new business advertising help; professionally written, published articles by in-house professional writer; rotating and yearly events such as garden tour
Perkiomen Valley High School District: Interact Club; sports; PV Art & Truck Festival; concerts; football team fund raiser
Perkiomen Watershed Conservancy: volunteer opportunities; exploring the area, indentifying plants and flowers; water conservation; stream clean-up; Lenape Survival Challenge; Perkiomen Creek Sojourn, paddling on the Perkiomen Creek; Perk to Pub bike ride on the Perkiomen Trail; "A Night for Conservation" benefit
James Audubon Center at Mill Grove in Audubon: en plein air (outdoor) painting, watercolors & sketching; canoeing; bird watching; Birdathon; sales of artwork; gift shop; volunteer opportunities; GOP Climate Resolution; counting species of birds; weddings and rentals. "Our mission is to conserve and restore natural ecosystems, focusing on birds, other wildlife, and their habitats for the benefit of humanity and the earth’s biological diversity."
Valley Forge DAR: interest in local history going back to the Revolutonary War; volunteerism; non-political service organization; member events locally, and nationally; luncheons with guest speakers; Valley Forge Park event/dedication; ancestry research for members; meets October-May; literacy programs; sponsorship of schools, scholastic awards; our military; essay contests, to name a few
Elmwood Zoo: Noah the Eagles football team eagle; zoo camps; Summer of Cubs; Scouts programs; seniors programs;endangered species, and animal management programs; zoo campouts; birthday parties; school groups and programs; Zoo on Wheels, and more
Collegeville Fire Company: 5Ks; Car Show; golf outings; fund raisers; pancake breakfast; all volunteer fire company
Veteran's of Foreign Wars: fund raisers, charities, veterans in our community; Frank H. Martin III Memorial Car and Truck show; fall golf outing
Scouts and Girl Scouts: to include Eagle Scout projects; community volunteerism